Friday 29 February 2008

totally fantastic Big Train sketch

Thursday 28 February 2008

Thursday 14 February 2008

Wednesday 13 February 2008

clearly internet companies havent heard that we have a problem with the environment must be all those big dark warehouses they dont see whats happening in the world

Tuesday 12 February 2008

the beginnings of an image im making, I dont think it needs too much tho otherwise the clarity would be lost, I want to create some more organic light formations with other illustrations tho

Monday 11 February 2008

tube sketchings
Yiyun my second commission for the Guardian, the simplicty of the design in my view always helps to focus the thoughts of an often complex narrative, bringing forward the most important aspects of the theory and story behind the illustration.
This was one of the first illustrations that I created using primarily gouache and ink and using compositional elements that for me I carried on to newer illustrations and were part of the development of the working practices that I use within any of my illustrations, wether they are digital or traditional medias.



Ink and Gum arabic on thick paper

New york

London winter
My Zelkova Bonsai

dartmoor, one of my most favourite places ever

Thursday 7 February 2008